OLA Confirmation Service Hours Form
Why Service Hours Matter:
Service is a way to live out your faith and answer Jesus' call to love and serve others. Plus, it helps make your Confirmation experience more meaningful. We're hoping that serving others becomes a part of your life for years to come.
What You Need to Know:
Total Hours Required: 3 hours of service. You can do:
Three 1-hour projects, or
One 3-hour project – totally up to you!
When to Serve:
Any service you do after June 1st, 2025 will count.
Your service hours need to be turned in by September 3rd, 2025.
A Few Rules:
You can’t use school service hours for Confirmation hours.
Don’t have your parents sign off on your hours – they can’t do that. You’ll need a supervisor or another adult to sign for you.
Got Questions?
If you're unsure whether your hours count, just email Nick at nables@olachurch.org.