OLA Confirmation Service Hours Form
Service hours are an important component of Confirmation preparation. When we serve others, we put our faith into practice and live out our Catholic faith. Our goal is that service becomes a life-long element of your Catholic life.
Any hours of service performed after April 28th will be accepted. The Service Hours Form must be completed and turned in by August 28th.
We ask for three hours of service: it can be three one hour projects, or one three hour project, however you want to do this. You cannot use the same hours for school that you use for Confirmation. Please do not have your parents sign off on service hours. If you have any questions about if your service hours will be accepted, please email Andrew at aknuckles@olachurch.org.
Confirmation only happens once in a lifetime so we hope that you’ll use this opportunity to give back to the community and to answer Jesus’ call to love and serve others!