OLA Confirmation Saint Name Form
When you stand before the (arch)bishop at your Confirmation, your sponsor will tell him the saint name that you have chosen. He will then anoint you with the chrism and confirm you with your new name.
Choosing your Confirmation Saint name is a very important part of the Confirmation process. This Saint should be someone who inspires you, someone you identify with, and most importantly, someone who can be a role model for you in your Catholic faith.
The saints lived on this earth and experienced suffering, joy, pain, broken promises, peace, frustration, war, injury, heartbreak… in a way, they are not too different from us. What sets them apart, however, they know what it takes to be united with God here on this messy earth. They know what it takes to live well for Him. And they chose to love Him above anything else.
You should choose a canonized Catholic Saint as your Confirmation name. Choose someone who inspires you to live out your Catholic faith. Throughout the Confirmation program, you will be sharing about your saint’s and their story with your small group, so be prepared to learn more about your saint leading up to Confirmation!
Need some inspiration? Check the Confirmation Handbook for recommended links and resources. Email aknuckles@olachurch.org if you have questions!
This form was due on August 28th. Please submit ASAP.